Covid-19 Safety Plan
May 20, 2020
Covid Update: An Open Letter To Our Clients
We hope you are coping well during this difficult time. At Island Culinary Service, we are very much looking forward to being able to get back in the kitchen creating some delicious meals for you all, and our staff is ready to provide you with their usual excellent service.
Keeping the recent regulations in mind, we want to assure you that we have established a protocol to permit catering in a safe manner for both clients and our staff. Our staff are under direction to follow public health guidance, and will not report to work if they exhibit any symptoms of illness, or if they have come into contact with any sick individuals. Frequent hand-washing and sanitizing protocols are in place, and our staff is fully trained on new routines to provide safe preparation and delivery of meals. We have gloves, face masks and shields, and lots of sanitizer stations ready to go.
With that in mind, if you are thinking of a special event you would like catered, we are encouraging you to:
(a) think small, i.e. fewer than 50 guests
(b) think outdoors if possible
(c) if an indoor venue is required, think about a larger venue where distancing can be maintained
(d) think about a menu that can be prepared and served while maintaining social distancing, or ask us for some suggestions.
We have begun planning a socially-distanced Buffet Table which would see our servers dishing up each requested item for guests, while maintaining a distance of 2 meters and/or behind a Plexiglas barrier. We have some ideas for distanced seating as well.
We understand that some larger events cannot be handled this way, and we encourage you to plan ahead to book a future date. We are going to be very busy in 2021!
Whatever your plans, we want you to know that Island Culinary Service is ready to go, and prepared to cater your event in a safe and memorable manner. Contact us for more details, or check our website at islandculinaryservice.ca.
- Graham Little and the amazing staff at Island Culinary Service
Covid Rules For Staff:
If you have a safety concern, discuss it immediately with Graham, so he can address it. Let’s keep everyone safe!
NOTE: There are plenty of gloves, hand sanitizer, sani-wipes, face masks, face shields and Sneeze Guards available for use.
DO NOT come to work if you have a fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and painful swallowing. If you have any of these symptoms, call your doctor or 811.
DO NOT come to work if you have been in close contact with someone who exhibits any of these symptoms or who has been identified as having COVID-19.
When you report for work, you will be asked if you meet these criteria.
SOCIAL DISTANCING: Whenever possible, leave 2 meters between yourself and your co-worker or a client. If it’s not possible, wear a mask, or warn them that you’re “leaning in” so that the other person can turn away, or back up.
Clean your hands frequently.
If you need to cough or clear your throat, use your inner elbow or a Kleenex.
Don’t touch your face.
Stay behind Plexiglas Sneeze Guard.
Discourage the use of cash.
Have clients tap their cards and handle the card readers themselves.
Encourage tap payment over pin pad use.
Sanitize the card reader between each use.
When using company vans, each employee in the van will sanitize all touch points (e.g., door handles, steering wheels, seats, window controls, temperature control levers, etc.) BEFORE and AFTER each use.
Covid-19 Rules In The Kitchen:
The kitchen will be sanitized before and after each shift, and hourly during each shift.
No friends, visitors or delivery personnel are allowed in the kitchen or dining area.
When you report for work
Each time you enter or re-enter the kitchen or dining area
Frequently during your shift
During any exchanges with clients
During food preparation, where possible
If you touch your face or bare skin with your glove on, get a new glove.
If necessary, use our Plexiglas shields between workstations.
We will limit the number of staff in the kitchen when possible.
When entering and exiting from the kitchen, follow the suggested directional flow to reduce interaction with other staff members.
Wear a face mask or shield when physical distancing is not possible.
It is your responsibility to sani-wipe (and then wash your hands) any common surfaces immediately after touching them, to protect your co-workers and our clients. These include:
Common tools, equipment such as small appliances, mixers, etc.
Fridge or freezer doors, oven handles, knobs
Light switches, door knobs, toilet flush levers
As much as possible, cooks and chefs will use their own high-use tools such as knives
Ingredients and containers that are often shared will be included in our hourly cleaning protocol.
If you think your gloves is dirty, put on clean gloves.
Covid-19 Rules In The Dining Area:
When you report for work
Each time you enter or re-enter the kitchen or dining area
Frequently during your shift
At all times in the dining area
If you touch your face or bare skin with your glove on, or if you feel your glove is dirty, get a new glove.
When physical distancing is not possible.
At all times in the dining area
Six (6) guests are allowed at a table. Create more space between diners if possible.
Tables must be spaced 6 feet apart.
If tables are our responsibility to set up, sani-wipe them before and after use, unless they have tablecloths. Chairs must be wiped before and after use.
Remove one chair per table and use that space as a designated place to serve or clear from.
Remove salt and pepper shakers, sauce dispensers, candles, and other tabletop items. Provide if requested and replace with thoroughly cleaned and sanitized ones. Consider single-use options.
Have guests pour their own water by providing water in a bottle or jug at the table. Or pre-pour water glasses to minimize time spent near guests seated at tables.
Avoid touching coffee cups when refilling.
Serve food and drinks in the open, designated spot at the table and let guests pass them after the server has stepped away. Clear from the same spot.
Use our Plexiglas shields that extend 3 feet above the table, along the side of the table that faces the guests.
All buffet servers will be gloved and either masked or face-shielded.
One staff member will ensure that clients in the buffet line-up stay 2-metres apart, unless an announcement has been made or people are self-distancing.
To reduce the risk caused by diners using the same serving spoon, a gloved staff member will dish the food item onto the guest’s plate according to the guest’s request.
The first server will either proceed down the buffet table with the guest or half-way down the table will pass the plate to a second server who will finish dishing up the plate.
Serving at the buffet table may require 1 or 2 staff members to keep the line-up moving efficiently.
At the end of the buffet table, the plate will be handed to the guest or placed on a side table for the guest to pick up.
The bartender will be gloved, either masked or face-shielded, and behind a Plexiglas shield, and will put the beverage on a side table for pick up by the client.
Dessert tables will be set up in advance for guests to pick up their own.